7 Simple Sensory Activities To Introduce To Infants

Introducing sensory activities to infants is an essential part of their early development. These activities stimulate their senses, aiding in cognitive growth, motor skills, and emotional regulation. “Sensory play promotes exploratory behaviour that leads to goal-directed behaviour,” explains Dr Rebecca Chan, full-time lecturer with the National Institute of Education (NIE). 

As infants interact with different surfaces, they not only develop tactile awareness but also enhance their cognitive abilities by making connections between what they feel and what they begin to understand about their surroundings. Here are seven simple and effective sensory activities to introduce to your infant:


  1. Tummy Time with Textures

Tummy time is crucial for developing strong neck and shoulder muscles, but you can make it more engaging by incorporating different textures. Use a soft blanket, a rough towel, and a smooth piece of fabric. Place these under your baby during tummy time and encourage them to touch and feel each texture. This activity not only strengthens their muscles but also enhances their tactile awareness.

  1. Water Play

Water play is a fantastic sensory activity for infants. Fill a shallow basin with lukewarm water and let your baby splash and play. You can add floating toys, sponges, or even ice cubes for varied sensory experiences. Always supervise your baby during water play to ensure their safety. This activity stimulates their sense of touch and introduces them to the concept of cause and effect.

  1. Sensory Bottles

Create sensory bottles using empty plastic bottles filled with various materials. You can use coloured water, glitter, beads, or even small toys. Seal the bottles tightly and let your baby shake, roll, and explore them. Sensory bottles provide visual and auditory stimulation, helping infants develop their focus and attention span.

  1. Edible Finger Paints

Edible finger paints are a safe and fun way for infants to explore colours and textures. You can make your own by mixing plain yoghurt with food colouring. Place your baby in a high chair, give them a piece of paper, and let them create their masterpiece. This activity encourages fine motor skills, creativity, and sensory exploration through touch and taste.

  1. Sound Play

Introduce your baby to different sounds using household items. Fill a plastic container with rice or beans and shake it to create a gentle noise. You can also use a wooden spoon and a pot to make different sounds. As your baby listens and responds to the sounds, they develop their auditory senses and learn about cause and effect.

  1. Mirror Play

Babies love looking at themselves in the mirror. Place an unbreakable mirror in front of your baby during tummy time or while they are sitting up. Encourage them to touch the mirror and make faces. Mirror play helps babies develop self-awareness and social skills as they observe their own reflections.

  1. Scent Exploration

Introduce your baby to different scents using safe, natural materials. You can use items like lavender, vanilla, or citrus fruits. Hold the item close to your baby’s nose and let them sniff. This activity stimulates their sense of smell and can be very soothing, especially if you use calming scents like lavender.


Engaging your infant in sensory activities is a wonderful way to support their development. These simple activities not only provide sensory stimulation but also promote bonding between you and your baby. Always ensure that the materials used are safe and appropriate for your baby’s age. With a little creativity and careful supervision, you can create a rich sensory environment that will help your baby thrive.

At Raffles Kidz Singapore, we provide quality infant care at our Jurong West (Yuan Ching) centre with a team of caring and experienced educators. Our infants’ daily routines include a variety of sensory activities that ensure they have fun as they explore the world around them. Book a school tour and visit Raffles Kidz @ Jurong West (Yuan Ching) to learn more about our infant care programmes today! 

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