5 Tips to Raise a Confident & Eloquent Child

Raising a confident and eloquent child at an early age is fundamental to their development as it equips them with the tools to navigate life’s challenges. Confidence enables children to face obstacles with resilience and determination, while eloquence empowers them to express themselves effectively and communicate with clarity. Together, these skills pave the way for academic success, positive social interactions, and future career achievements. 

As stated by Singapore’s Ministry of Education (MOE), “Parents play a huge role in developing their children’s confidence and resilience.” By helping your child foster these qualities from their nursery and kindergarten years, your child will be able to develop a growth mindset and thrive in today’s fast-paced world. Here are five tips to help parents nurture these essential skills in their young children:

  1. Encourage Storytelling:

Encourage your child to share their experiences and imagination through storytelling. Create a storytelling routine before bedtime or during family gatherings. For example, ask your child to narrate what they did at school that day or to make up a story about their favourite animal. By engaging in storytelling activities, children develop their language skills, boost their confidence, and learn to express themselves creatively.

  1. Role-Playing Games:

Engage your child in role-playing games to encourage imaginative play and communication skills. Set up a pretend play area with costumes and props, such as a kitchen or a doctor’s office. Act out different scenarios together, like pretending to be a chef cooking a meal or a doctor treating a patient. Through role-playing, children learn to articulate their thoughts, interact with others, and develop confidence in expressing themselves.

  1. Practise Active Listening:

Model active listening behaviour for your child by giving them your full attention when they speak. Encourage them to share their thoughts and feelings, and validate their emotions by acknowledging their perspective. For example, when your child tells you about their day at preschool, maintain eye contact, nod, and ask follow-up questions to show that you’re listening attentively. By practising active listening, you can help your child feel valued and respected, boosting their confidence in communicating with others.

  1. Singing and Rhyming:

Singing songs and reciting rhymes are fun ways to develop language skills and build confidence in children. Sing familiar nursery rhymes together, such as “Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star” or “The Itsy Bitsy Spider,” and encourage your child to join in. Create silly rhymes or make up songs about everyday activities, like getting dressed or eating breakfast. Singing and rhyming activities help children improve their pronunciation, vocabulary, and rhythm while boosting their self-assurance in expressing themselves through music.

  1. Praise Effort and Progress:

Encourage your child’s efforts and celebrate their progress to boost their confidence and motivation. Instead of focusing solely on the end result, praise the process and effort they put into their activities. For example, if your child struggles to build a block tower, acknowledge their persistence and problem-solving skills, regardless of the tower’s height. By praising effort and progress, you can foster a growth mindset in your child, teaching them that mistakes are opportunities to learn and grow.


In conclusion, raising a confident and eloquent child involves providing opportunities for creative expression, fostering active listening skills, engaging in playful learning activities, and celebrating their efforts and progress along the way. By incorporating these tips into daily routines, parents can empower their young children to develop strong communication skills and self-confidence that will serve them well in their future endeavours. 

At Raffles Kidz Singapore, we understand the importance of raising confident and eloquent children through their nursery and kindergarten years. Our holistic curriculum is built to develop children’s confidence and communication skills through an inquiry-based/Montessori approach and all-inclusive enrichment activities such as cookery classes, art, music, and speech and drama. Learn more about our programmes and find a Raffles Kidz preschool near you today! 

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